Monday, 7 July 2014

- Introducing - Horsebeach -

Horsebeach are a gentle breath of fresh air into the eardrums of fans lost under the cease of Trophy Wife.

They're a band who seem perfect to introduce right about now. It's that old cliche; it's summery music. But quite honestly, I'd feel as comfortable listening to them on a sunny coastline as I would staring out of a drizzle covered window. There's something attractively lethargic about them. The Manchester quartet will come at you with a canter in the form of instrumental track, 'June', (again another seemingly perfect summer reference) and at times even muster up the courage to switch into a gallop in 'Faded Eyes' and 'Cold Hands'. 

The psychedelic guitar riffs and muffled vocals seem to be all the rage right now but the simplicity of Horsebeach's music is what will grab your subconscious attention. With an EP under their wings and a debut album set for release at the end of the month, they could soon be kicking out the wish-washy psychedelic drivel we've become accustomed to.

Horsebach's self-titled debut album is out 28th July.

For fans of/ Trophy Wife, Splashh, Coastal Cities, French Films

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By Joshua Shreeve (@JJShreeve)